Assessment the Performance of Oral Health Education Programs on Secondary School Students in Mosul City


  • Hamdoon Suhad M. Department of Basic Dental Sciences, University of Mosul, Iraq Author
  • Salim Ammar S. Department of Basic Dental Sciences, University of Mosul, Iraq Author
  • Hamodat Heba F. Department of Basic Dental Sciences, University of Mosul, Iraq Author


Alban test, Caries activity, Gingival index, Plaque index


 Background: Upgrading of oral health for children is very important and can be achieved through school based education program which is considered a specialized scope within the spacious path of education, so the main reason for conducting this research was to eradicate dental caries before the need for more aggressive treatment. The aim of study: to assess the effectiveness of school based education programs on oral health ,as well as to find out the relation between oral health and education programs using clinical indices and salivary parameters. Materials and Methods: Ninety secondary school female pupils from two government secondary school in Mosul city were included in this experimental study has been conducted from 3 to 28 April 2022 . The study included oral health education that recording plaque index (PI), gingival index (GI), measuring salivary pH, Alban caries activity test (CAT) ( modified Snyder test) for assessment of caries activity. The data were recorded at zero phase in the first visit before the beginning of the education and at day 15 of education 50 pupils were educated and considered as test group to be compared with 40 pupils who didn’t receive any oral education as control group. Data was analyzed by IBM SPSS statistic version 25 software using nonparametric Paired t-test (Mann-Whitney U Test) and Wilcoxon signed rank sum test for data comparisons. P value ≤0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: The results showed significant effect of oral health education programs on saliva pH, Alban CAT, PI and GI. when comparing between test group at base line (0 time) and at day 15 (pre and post education ) and between test group when compared with control. While no differences between pre education and control groups. Conclusion: Oral health program used in the present study revealed a significant effect at p value ≤ 0.05 amelioration in the oral health parameters used in the study . 


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How to Cite

Suhad M. , H., Ammar S., S., & Heba F. , H. (2023). Assessment the Performance of Oral Health Education Programs on Secondary School Students in Mosul City. History of Medicine, 9(1).