Workplace Sexual Harassment Against Female Nurses in Thi-Qar Governorate: A Rarely Debated Problem


  • DABIS Hussein Abdulmohsin MSN, University of Thi-Qar/College of Nursing/Adult Nursing Department. Thi-Qar Governorate/Iraq. Author
  • HAMEED Ali Talib MSN, Southern Technical University/Nasiriyah Technical Institute/Nursing Department. Thi-Qar Governorate/Iraq. Author
  • Shinjar Fatima Jaber MSN, University of Thi-Qar/College of Nursing/Adult Nursing Department. Thi-Qar Governorate/Iraq Author


Sexual harassment, Female nurses, Iraq.


 Objective: This study aim to assess the prevalence, types, and effects of sexual harassment. Methods: Cross-sectional study involved 464 female nurses whom selected by convenience sampling, working in Al-Nasiriyah Teaching Hospital is completed during the period from 3rd of August to 27th of November, 2022. Descriptive statistics and binary logistic regression analysis were used. Results: Findings show that about 37.1% of participants were exposed to at least one type of sexual harassment, with non-verbal type was the most common among exposed female nurses (62.2%) and patients relatives were the most common type of sexual harassers as (42.4%). Being single and working in inpatient departments were identified as predictors to sexual harassment, and about 52.3% of participants reported being negatively affected where anxiety was the most common harmful outcome in 38.9% of exposed female nurses. Conclusion: Victims should be encouraged to report their exposure and express their fears and feelings to minimize the negative effects of sexual harassment. 


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How to Cite

Hussein Abdulmohsin , D., Ali Talib , H., & Fatima Jaber, S. (2023). Workplace Sexual Harassment Against Female Nurses in Thi-Qar Governorate: A Rarely Debated Problem. History of Medicine, 9(1).