Treatment Adherence and its Quality of Life among Patients with Type II Diabetes Mellitus


  • Evan Yassin Hakman Academic Nurse, Ministry of Health/ Diyala Health Directorate, Iraq Author
  • Arkan Bahlol Naji Prof. PhD, Community Health Nursing Department/ College of Nursing /University of Baghdad, Iraq. Author


Treatment Adherence, Quality of Life, Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Diabetic Patients.


Diabetes mellitus is a major public health burden that requires immediate life-sustaining attention, and adherence to treatment is a major determinant of quality of life. This study aimed to assess treatment adherence and its relationship to the quality of life among patients with type II diabetes mellitus.  A descriptive correlational study conducted in Diyala Governorate during the period from January 10th 2023 to March 15th 2023. The study sample consist of 200 patients is selected according to non probability sampling approach. The validity of the questionnaire was verified by experts and its reliability was verified through a pilot study. The total number of items included in the questionnaire was 33 items to assess treatment adherence and 26 items to assess quality of life. Data were collected through the interview and analyzed by applying descriptive and inferential statistical analysis.  The results indicated that the average age of the respondents is 49 years, (40.5%) were insufficient income, (91%) were married and (27.5%) were middle school graduated. Over than half (65% and 72.5%) of the study participants were found to average treatment adherence and quality of life. The simple liner regression indicate that the treatment adherence are predicted quality of life. 


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How to Cite

Yassin Hakman, E., & Bahlol Naji, A. (2023). Treatment Adherence and its Quality of Life among Patients with Type II Diabetes Mellitus. History of Medicine, 9(2).