Vitamin D and bone density in chronic hepatitis C patients


  • Abed Rabab Murtadha Department of Medical Laboratory Technologies, Kufa Institute, Al-Furate Al-Awsat Technical University, Najaf, Iraq, 07715081762 Author
  • Al shawi Eatemad Abd Ali Abedulrhman Department of Medical Laboratory Technologies, Kufa Institute, Al-Furate Al-Awsat Technical University, Najaf, Iraq, 07715081762. Author
  • Oleiwi Salam Abbas Department of Medical Laboratory Technologies, Kufa Institute, Al-Furate Al-Awsat Technical University, Najaf, Iraq, 07715081762. Author
  • kadhum Douaa abdulalhussain Department of Medical Laboratory Technologies, Kufa Institute, Al-Furate Al-Awsat Technical University, Najaf, Iraq, 07715081762. Author
  • Ismail Mona Adel Department of Medical Laboratory Technologies, Kufa Institute, Al-Furate Al-Awsat Technical University, Najaf, Iraq, 07715081762 Author


Hepatitis, Alkaline phosphatase, BMD, Hepatitis C Virus, Chronic HCV,


 Objective, As bone fragility is common in chronic hepatitis c the study asses to determine the level of vitamin D and bone density and to demonstrate the consequence of vitamin d insufficiency in patient of long standing hepatitis C. Material and Method, 45 individuals were taken as samples, patients with chronic HCV. DEXA was suggested to patients as a follow-up for their condition. An experienced radiology technician has been used as DEXA to evaluate the bone mineral density BMD on the anteroposterior lumbar spine views, bone markers also were evaluated in patient group and control group. Results The study found there was no significant difference between femoral neck and the spine in BMD between HCV patient and control group. The Trochanter and total femur BMD values of HCV mean show significantly low in the experimental group compare to healthy group. Bone mass measurements, Trochanter value (p-value =0.004) and all biochemical parameter are not significantly differed for patients compared to control. Conclusion, The study found no significant difference between viral hepatitis patients and control healthy subjects. Additionally, there was no significant differences in biochemical bone markers for other group 


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How to Cite

Rabab Murtadha , A., Eatemad Abd Ali Abedulrhman , A. shawi, Salam Abbas , O., Douaa abdulalhussain , kadhum, & Mona Adel, I. (2023). Vitamin D and bone density in chronic hepatitis C patients. History of Medicine, 9(1).