Pulmonary Contusion: Evaluation of Associated Injuries, Clinical Course, and Outcomes; Self¬ Experience from a Tertiary Care Center


  • Fayadh Noor Abbas Hummadi Diagnostic Radiologist, Department of Surgery, College of Medicine, Al-Nahrain University, Baghdad, Iraq. Author
  • Al-Anbari Abbas Jaafar Khaleel Assistant Professor, Consultant of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery, Department of Surgery, College of Medicine, Al-Nahrain University, Iraq. Author
  • Mohialdeen Sameer Ass. Prof, Consultant of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery, Department of surgery, College of Medicine, AlNahrain University, Baghdad, Iraq. Author


Pulmonary contusion, blunt chest trauma, Rib fractures, Pneumothorax, Hemothorax, thoracic.


 Background:Even with current advances in our consideration of the pathophysiology, therapy, and long-term outcomes of lung injuries, still, statistics on the frequency, associated injuries, clinical course, and outcome of pulmonary injuries in Iraq insufficient. Henceforth, this self-experience study aimed to fill this gap.Methods: The study’ data were taken retrospectively, from the archives of 100-admitted lung contusion patients. History, clinical examination, radiographic, operative and post-mortem findings were used.Results: A total of 100 patients with chest trauma met the criteria of this study, with a mean age of 31.4 years, most were males (92%) included. The average hospitalization duration was 23 days. The in-hospital death rate was 14%. Pneumothorax was detected in 40% of the patients, 22% hemopneumothorax and 12% of them showed hemothorax alone. Half of the patients had no associated rib fractures and 32% reported > 4 rib fractures while 20% had < 4 fractured ribs. There was a nearly equal incidence of penetrating and non-penetrating injuries. Around 50% of the pulmonary contusion cases were associated with extra-pulmonary associated injuries. Almost all of the cases of lung contusion required chest tubes (74%), 62% required bilateral chest tubes, and only 12% had unilateral tubes. Seventy-four percent required RCU care, 28% needed endotracheal intubation, and 13% ended with thoracotomy. More than half of the patients required surgery.Conclusion: The clinical course of pulmonary contusion remains unpredictable. Considerable morbidity and mortality are linked with pulmonary contusion despite the recent progress in respiratory care and ventilation services. 


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How to Cite

Noor Abbas Hummadi, F., Abbas Jaafar Khaleel , A.-A., & Sameer , M. (2023). Pulmonary Contusion: Evaluation of Associated Injuries, Clinical Course, and Outcomes; Self¬ Experience from a Tertiary Care Center. History of Medicine, 9(1).