Relationship between CT-finding, degree of lung involvement and oxygen saturation in hospitalized patients with COVID19


  • Haider Ala Hussian College of medicine, University of Babylon, Iraq Author
  • Alsultani Fadhil Kadhim Jasim Merjan teaching hospital Babylon/ Iraq Author
  • Mohan Usama Khalaf Merjan teaching hospital Babylon/ Iraq Author


CT-finding; hospitalized patients; COVID19


 objective :With the pandemic of COVID-19 and increasing number of patients all over the world including our country (Iraq) , there is a need to study the relationship between the CT_ finding and the saturation of oxygen in hospitalized patient.Methods :A prospective study involved hospitalized patients (diagnosed by PCR) admitted to metjan teaching hospital between 15 july and 30 October 2020 , history was taken regarding age, gender, symptoms ,presence of comorbidities , body mass index was measured ,CT was done to all patients ,degree of lung involvement was assessed for every patient , O?saturation was measured.Results :cross sectional study involved 150 patients, (40.7%) females and (59.3%) males, (76.0%) had history of contact , (4.7%) had history of travel, symptoms were fever (81.3%) , cough ( 64%) , fatigue (56.7%) , shortness of breath ( 44.7%) , chest pain ( 27.3%), headache ( 26.7% ),sore throat (18.0%) , loss of smell and taste (11.3%) , abdominal pain ( 4%),comorbidities were as follows hypertension (39.3%) , diabetes (33.3%) ,ischemic heart disease ( 4.0%) , rheumatoid arthritis (1.3%) , smoker (8.7%). Regarding CT-finding (99.3%) had ground glass appearance , bilateral lesion occurred in 94%, 23.3% crazy paving and 14% had consolidation , (0.67%) had gradel , (26%) grade 2 , (32.67%) grade 3 ,(30.67%) grade 4 and (10%) grade 5, (13.33%) had normal oxygen saturation, (11.33%) mild hypoxia, (23.33%) moderate hypoxia , (52%) had severe hypoxia.Conclusion : There was significant association between involvement of lung tissue by CT and body mass index ,also significant association between lung involvement and oxygen saturation ,while there was no significant association between lung involvement with respiratory rate and gender. 


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How to Cite

Ala Hussian, H., Fadhil Kadhim Jasim , A., & Usama Khalaf, M. (2023). Relationship between CT-finding, degree of lung involvement and oxygen saturation in hospitalized patients with COVID19. History of Medicine, 9(1).