Relationship between viral and bacterial diarrhea in children suffering from the gastroenteritis infection


  • Ahmed Jwan Ahmed Ali Dept, of Microbiology, College of Medicine, University of Babylon, Iraq. Author
  • Al-Saffar Anwar Kadhim Department of biology. College of Sciences. University of Babylon, Iraq Author


Gastrointestinal (GI), Rotavirus, (Sig-A) secretory immunoglobulin -A, Mobilized Colistin gene MCR-1


 Introduction: Foodborne diseases are digestive system infections that are transferred by ingesting certain foods or beverages. Persistent diarrhea can occur in infections that last longer than 2 weeks but less than 4 weeks. The consumption of infected food or water might result in travelers’ diarrhea. Rotavirus commonly causes severe, watery diarrhea and vomiting in infants and young children. Children may become dehydrated and need to be hospitalized and can even die. While in bacterial infection (Multidrug-resistant bacteria causes diarrhea infection has been found to be a carrier for A. baumannii through SIgA appeared to enhance A. baumannii GI tract colonization, the study’s objective was to clarify the relationship between viral and bacterial diarrhea in children with gastroenteritis. Methodology: (50) samples were obtained between the period from (9/2021 to 12/ 2021) in Babylon province. Samples were Stool, blood, and a rectal swab. The virus was diagnosed by chromatographic immunoassay (rapid test) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR)technique to detect the NSP gene in Rotavirus, the bacteria were isolated and diagnosed in the laboratory and a DDT test was performed to detect their sensitivity to the treatment, then PCR was used to diagnose the bacteria through genes assay (Blaoxa-51, INT-2 and MCR- 1) Results: 30 isolates of bacteria out of 50 specimens (60%) were detected. Moreover, (blaOXA-51) gene was investigated by PCR with25 (83%) resultsand play role for identification of A. baumannii, however, Int-Igene was detected in 15 (50%). and Mcr-1 gene was detected in 20(66%) while Rota virus detected by NSP —gene was detected in this study and by the rapid test was found in 20 (40%) PCR- NSP-gene in 15(75%) specimens. This study included the emergence of gastrointestinal tract spread by MDR A. baumannii and Rotavirus. Conclusion: Through this study, it was found that gastroenteritis caused by viruses is more virulent than bacterial infections, so it is recommended to give Roto vaccine to children because it is a major cause of this infection in addition. The possibility of controlling it is possible unlike a viral infection. 


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How to Cite

Jwan Ahmed Ali , A., & Anwar Kadhim , A.-S. (2023). Relationship between viral and bacterial diarrhea in children suffering from the gastroenteritis infection. History of Medicine, 9(1).