Investigation Of Bioactive Compounds In Momordica Dioica Root By Gc-Ms


  • Anuradha D. Pawar BVDU YashwantraoMohite College of Arts, Science & Commerce, Kothrude, Pune – 411038, Maharashtra, India Author
  • Dr. Sonali V. Dhamal BVDU College of Engineering, Pune-411043, Maharashtra, India Author
  • Dr virendra B. Pawar BVDU YashwantraoMohite College of Arts, Science & Commerce, Kothrude, Pune – 411038, Maharashtra, India Author


Gas Chromatography–Mass spectroscopy, hepoto-protective, phytochemical, secondary metaboilts, economics.


Momordica dioica, commonly known as "spiny gourd," is a member of the Cucurbitaceae family and holds significant traditional medicinal value. In this study, we conducted a comprehensive evaluation encompassing pharmacogenetic parameters, phytochemical screening, and biological activity assessment of Momordica dioica. Macroscopic and microscopic analyses were employed to establish pharmacogenetic characteristics. Phytochemical screening was performed to identify various classes of secondary metabolites present in the plant extract. Furthermore, the biological activities including antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and cytotoxic properties were evaluated using appropriate experimental assays. Results revealed distinctive pharmacognostic features of Momordica dioica, aiding in its identification and authentication. Phytochemical analysis indicated the presence of diverse bioactive compounds such as alkaloids, flavonoids, terpenoids, and phenolic compounds. The plant extract exhibited notable antioxidant potential, as evidenced by radical scavenging assays. Additionally, significant antimicrobial activity against a panel of pathogens was observed, suggesting its potential in combating microbial infections. Furthermore, the anti-inflammatory activity was demonstrated through inhibition of pro-inflammatory mediators. Moreover, cytotoxicity assessment revealed promising results, indicating the potential of Momordica dioica as a source of anticancer agents. This study provides valuable insights into the pharmacognostic, phytochemical, and biological properties of Momordica dioica, highlighting its potential for further pharmacological exploration and therapeutic applications. 


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How to Cite

D. Pawar, A., V. Dhamal, S., & B. Pawar, virendra. (2022). Investigation Of Bioactive Compounds In Momordica Dioica Root By Gc-Ms. History of Medicine, 8(2).