
  • Nitin Saini Department of Pharmacy Sunrise University, Alwar, Rajasthan Author
  • Dr. Masood Ahmed Siddiqui Department of Pharmacy Sunrise University, Alwar, Rajasthan Author


Ethnobotany, Phytotherapy, Traditional Medicine, Pharmacological Properties,


 Out of 17,000 plant species in India, 7,500 have been formally included in ayurvedic pharmacopoeias for more than a century. Medicinal plants are used extensively in industry for a variety of products, such as herbal teas, health foods, phytopharmaceuticals, and traditional remedies. Currently, in silico methods have been created for the virtual screening and pharmacological study of medicinal plants. It is an economical and successful method of producing novel medications, and it involves three main steps: creating pharmacophores, figuring out molecular shape similarity, and molecular docking. The World Health Organisation has also recognised the value of medicinal plants and has developed a number of policies and initiatives to promote their usage. Additionally, agroindustrial technologies promote the use of therapeutic herbs. India's environment is home to a large diversity of plant species. Seven,500 of the 17,000 types of plants are used as medicinal herbs by villages, tribal people, and ancient medical systems like Ayurveda. The review's objective is to provide an overview of current advancements in the area of medicinal plants and their principal uses. 


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How to Cite

Saini, N., & Ahmed Siddiqui, M. (2022). EXPLORING INDIGENOUS MEDICINAL PLANTS: A REVIEW OF THEIR KEY APPLICATIONS. History of Medicine, 8(2).