Tourism Village Development in Kertasari District


  • Surachman Akhmad Yard Author
  • Kurniawan Yusman Author
  • Sandi Author
  • Rohani Siti Author
  • Nursafitri Assya Qorry Author


Attraction of tourist objects, tourist attraction competition, segmentation of the tourist community, the concept of a tourist village.


 The attractiveness of tourist objects can be seen from the level of ease of access, the completeness of tourist service facilities, the level of management of tourism potential, and the level of diversity of tourism activities. Tourism villages or tourism objects along with their complete facilities and rides cannot be separated from competition to get as many visitors as possible. Thus, developing the concept of a tourist village can be achieved through fulfilling one of the three categories of functional, symbolic and experiential needs of the community. The construction and development of a tourist village in the Kertasari District has no differentiation compared to other regional tourist objects. Therefore, the construction and development of tourist villages in Kertasari District can use a strategy using the segmentation method. By understanding who the tourist community is, tourism object managers can determine how to reach them, what rides are needed, and how to defend the tourist community from competing tourist attractions. 


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How to Cite

Akhmad Yard , S., Yusman , K., Sandi, Siti , R., & Assya Qorry , N. (2023). Tourism Village Development in Kertasari District. History of Medicine, 9(1).