Endodontic treatment of internal root resorption: a case report


  • Shweta Rai Rama Dental College, Hospital & Research Centre, Rama University, Kanpur, U.P India. Author
  • Prateek Singh Rama Dental College, Hospital & Research Centre, Rama University, Kanpur, U.P India. Author
  • Asheesh Sawhny Rama Dental College, Hospital & Research Centre, Rama University, Kanpur, U.P India. Author
  • Saurabh Sharma Rama Dental College, Hospital & Research Centre, Rama University, Kanpur, U.P India. Author
  • Aishwarya Trivedi Rama Dental College, Hospital & Research Centre, Rama University, Kanpur, U.P India. Author
  • Syed Manzoor Ul Haq Bukhari Rama Dental College, Hospital & Research Centre, Rama University, Kanpur, U.P India. Author
  • Charoo Lata Rama Dental College, Hospital & Research Centre, Rama University, Kanpur, U.P India. Author


Introduction: Root resorption, usually found through radiographic examinations is an internal or external injury. Since root resorption is a multidisciplinary problem, it requires a variety of knowledge for understanding the etiology and pathogenesis of the disease.

Objective: This study aimed to demonstrate the importance of how a correct and early diagnosis facilitates the evaluation of the best treatment for each case, assuring a favorable prognosis.

Case report: A radiographic finding in a 25-year-old young male showed the presence of an internal root resorption and apical periodontitis in tooth #22. After endodontic therapy and monthly calcium hydroxide dressing changes, the root canal filling was conducted and the case was radiographically followed-up.

Conclusion: An accurate initial examination, with a carefully detailed anamnesis and periapical radiographs are vital points for a correct diagnosis, treatment and, consequently, a better prognosis favoring the success of the case. 


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How to Cite

Rai, S., Singh, P., Sawhny, A., Sharma, S., Trivedi, A., Manzoor Ul Haq Bukhari, S., & Lata, C. (2022). Endodontic treatment of internal root resorption: a case report. History of Medicine, 8(2).