Curriculum Implementation Of The Indonesian National Qualification Framework (Kkni) In Increasing The Quality Of Graduates Of Private Islamic Religious Education (Ptkis)


  • Ernawati Author
  • Hanafiah Author
  • Wasliman lim Author
  • Sauri Supyan Author


implementation, IQF curriculum, graduate quality


 This study discusses the implementation of the IQF curriculum in improving the quality of PTKIS graduates, the research background is the missing link between graduates of Islamic tertiary institutions and the world of work. There is a discrepancy between the types of work and graduates who meet the required qualifications as well as curriculum problems where there is an inability of PTKIS to implement and apply the IQF curriculum. The purpose of this study was to obtain an overview and analyze the implementation of the IQF curriculum in improving the quality of PTKIS graduates as well as to obtain an overview, explore, study and analyze the planning, implementation, evaluation, control, development, problems, solutions and impacts of implementing the IQF curriculum in improving the quality of PTKIS graduates. . The theological basis is that the realization of knowledge requires faith, charity, ihsan, iklas tostand side by side so that it can lead to truth and meaningfulness, the philosophical basis is that learning is a process of constructing behavior including the cognitive, affective, psychomotor domains through interaction in the curriculum program. The theoretical basis of curriculum implementation as a implementing the curriculum in a cooperative, comprehensive, systemic and systematic manner to realize the achievement of curriculum objectives. The approach used was a qualitative study with a descriptive analysis method with direct data collection techniques from informants in the field data sources interviews, documentation studies, observations. Based on the results of the research that the implementation of the IQF curriculum is not optimal and the quality of graduates is not in accordance with the demands of society and the industrial world. The findings show that there are problems in human   resources, facilities and infrastructure and funds in carrying out program implementation, implications for planning, implementing, evaluating, controlling, developing in implementation has an impact on the development of the vision, mission, goals of the institution so that it hasan effect on improving the quality of graduates, recommendations for Kopertais to increase their role and function in monitoring and evaluating PTKIS, lecturers improve qualification competencies in quantity and quality, students must be competent, qualified and have high competitiveness, Conclusion The implementation of the KKNI in improving the quality of PTKIS graduates has been carried out , but it has not been maximized and not optimal and has not met the expectations in society and the industrial world , because PTKIS has not confirmed the profile of its graduates, graduates do not yet have the minimum ability. 


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How to Cite

Ernawati, Hanafiah, lim , W., & Supyan, S. (2023). Curriculum Implementation Of The Indonesian National Qualification Framework (Kkni) In Increasing The Quality Of Graduates Of Private Islamic Religious Education (Ptkis). History of Medicine, 9(1).