Revealing the Differences Between Sundanese and Javanese Work Ethic in Bandung City


  • Haryanto Sugih Faculty of Economics, Nusantara Islamic University, Bandung Author
  • Permatasari Intan Faculty of Economics, Nusantara Islamic University, Bandung Author
  • Safitri Mila Faculty of Economics, Nusantara Islamic University, Bandung Author
  • Kartini Windy Aprianti Faculty of Economics, Nusantara Islamic University, Bandung Author
  • Rahayu Yulianita Facukty of Law, Nusantara Islamic University, Indonesia Author


Work Ethic, Sundanese, Javanese, Work Discipline, Hard Work, Self Confident


 The purpose of this study was to determine the differences in work ethic between Sundanese and Javanese civil servants in Bandung City. This study used a comparative descriptive method using a quantitative approach. Determining the sample in this study was using purposive sampling technique and amounted to 100 samples. Furthermore, the data collection technique used is a questionnaire distributed to civil servants who fall into the criteria for respondents for testing. Populations and samples in this study were Sundanese and Javanese civil servants of Bandung City totaling 100 respondents. Based on the results of statistical calculations, it is found that there are significant differences in the variables of Work Discipline, Hard Work and Self Confident in the Work Ethic of Sundanese and Javanese tribes in Bandung City. 


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How to Cite

Sugih , H., Intan , P., Mila , S., Windy Aprianti , K., & Yulianita, R. (2023). Revealing the Differences Between Sundanese and Javanese Work Ethic in Bandung City. History of Medicine, 9(1).