System Review of Community Economic Development Activities Through Farm Women's Groups


  • A F Ikka Kartika Author
  • Andini Yuni Gita Author
  • Rahmawati Siti Author
  • Malik Adam Author
  • Saepudin Cecep Author


kwt, activity, development


Women  farmer  groups,  are  groups  of  mothers  who  have  the  same  views  in  agriculture,  to  utilize  and  empower everything around their homes in order to meet their food needs. The function of farm women's groups is not much different from the function of farmer groups, including: as a learning class, farmer groups are teaching and learning containers  for their members  to improve  knowledge,  attitudes  and  skills  as  well as  the  growth  of  independence  in farming so that productivity increases, income increases and a more prosperous life. Based on previous research (Eksi,2010), the problems of the Women Farmers Group (KWT) processing agricultural products include: (1) in the field of agriculture,  there  is  no  optimal  utilization  of yard  land  (2) in the  industry  where the  behavior  of  SMEs  processing agricultural products is dominated by women with a level of skills and knowledge that tends to be not optimal and not professional  in  food  processing  (3)  in  the  field  of  employment  or  empowerment  where  the  tendency  of  low  farm business management patterns and (4) problems in the marketing process where there is still a lack of understanding of KWT about business licenses. Women are involved in managing the agricultural economy on average 5.2 hours/day of labor (HOK).


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How to Cite

Ikka Kartika, A. F., Yuni Gita , A., Siti , R., Adam, M., & Cecep , S. (2023). System Review of Community Economic Development Activities Through Farm Women’s Groups. History of Medicine, 9(1).