Five Important Aspects in Game-Based Learning


  • Usep Ksasih Nusantara Islamic University Bandung Indonesia Author
  • Didin Saepudin Nusantara Islamic University, Bandung Indonesia Author
  • Veri Moch Lutfi Nusantara Islamic University, Bandung Indonesia Author
  • Ayu Pumama Sari Nusantara Islamic University, Bandung Indonesia Author
  • Binti Kumia Safira Nusantara Islamic University, Bandung Indonesia Author


Learning participation; Game-based learning


 Learning participation is an important, especially in learning mathematics. Low learning participation is one of the problems in learning. This becomes the background in the report on the results of this study. There are many alternatives in overcoming low learning participation, one of which is by implementing game-based learning. This article reports on the potential of game-based learning to increase student participation, especially in learning mathematics. The research in this report is part of a qualitative study with data based on literature studies and the results of discussions with other researchers studying game-based learning. The data obtained was elaborated with the results of discussions with other researchers, then the essence of the results of the study was taken. This study reveals that there are at least five aspects that need to be used as a basis for designing game-based learning. The five aspects are 1) Integration of the learning system, 2) retention of learning outcomes, 3) role regulation, 4) motivation and endurance, 5) and focus on concept mastery. These five aspects were obtained based on the results of studies that might still be developed through further research. 


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How to Cite

Ksasih, U., Saepudin, D., Lutfi, V. M., Sari, A. P., & Safira, B. K. (2024). Five Important Aspects in Game-Based Learning. History of Medicine, 9(1).