Public Administration in Indonesian Madrasah Competence Assessment Policies (Akmi)



Public Administration, Indonesian Madrasah Competency Assessment Policy.


The cause of the emergence of public administration problems in the Indonesian Madrasah Competency Assessment Policy is due to the not optimal implementation of AKMI policies regarding policy standards and objectives, resources, inter-organizational communication and strengthening activities, characteristics of policy implementing agencies, social, economic and political conditions, and the disposition of policy implementers. It is hoped that in the future the implementation of AKMI policies will be carried out more  optimally  with  the  implementation  of  effective  and  efficient  AKMI  policies  that  will  produce competent madrasah heads, professional teachers, and students who have high abilities in reading literacy,numeracy,  science,  and  social  culture.  The  results  of  this  assessment  can  be  used  by  teachers  and madrasahs to improve the education services needed by students as a basis for developing a learning plan.


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How to Cite

Public Administration in Indonesian Madrasah Competence Assessment Policies (Akmi). (2024). History of Medicine, 9(1).