Indonesian Smart Card Policy-Based Public Administrative Management In Realizing Education Equality In State Junior High Schools



Public Administration of Indonesia Smart Card Policy, Education Equity


The background of this research is because there are still students dropping out of school, the distribution of  Smart  Indonesia  Card  funds  is  not  on  target,  and  there  is  a  lack  of  outreach.  The  purpose  of  this research is to find out the analysis of Public Administration Management based on the Smart Indonesia Card  Policy  in  Public  Middle  Schools,  provide  solutions  for  future  improvement  efforts,  describe  the impact of implementing the Smart Indonesia Card policy in realizing educational equity in Public Middle Schools.  Approach  qualitative  descriptive  method  of  data  processing  techniques  used  in  this  study  are observation,  interviews,  and  documentation.  Research  results  from  the  implementation  of  the  Smart Indonesia Card policy in realizing equity in education at public junior high schools in the planning aspect have not been on target because there are still students who should have received the Indonesia Smart Card but did not receive financial assistance from the Smart Indonesia Card, on the other hand students from families who are categorized as more economically capable can get Indonesia Smart Card funding assistance. Synchronization of student data has not been well integrated. Parents of students sometimes forget to report evidence of taking Indonesian smart card funds.


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How to Cite

Indonesian Smart Card Policy-Based Public Administrative Management In Realizing Education Equality In State Junior High Schools. (2024). History of Medicine, 9(1).