On the history of health care in Turkestan and the Caucasus: episodes from Doctor Zeynab Tambiyeva’s biography


  • Takhuz Z. Akhmadov The Chechen State University 32 Sheripova St., Grozny 364024, Russia Author
  • Madrim MAKHMUDOV Urgench branch of Tashkent Medical Academy 28 Al-Horazmiy St., Ugrench 220100, Uzbekistan Author


health care history, female doctor, Tambiyeva Z.S., medical care, health care of Turkestan, health care of Azerbaijan, health care of Kabardino-Balkaria


Based on the analysis of available publications and using archival materials, an attempt has been made to present the main periods in the life and work of Z.S. Tambiyeva, one of the first women to work as a doctor in the national regions of the Russian Empire. Specificities inherent to the provision of medical care for the peoples of the Muslim regions and important moments in the rural doctor’s work are considered.A female doctor’s role in providing medical assistance to the local population has been noted, since in the regions where Muslims lived, women, due to local customs and religious traditions, did not seek medical help from male doctors.  In Decem-ber 1911, Z.S. Tambiyeva moved to the Baku Governorate. From 1912, she worked as a private practicing doctor in the industrial village of Raman, in the suburbs of Baku. In 1917–1920, she worked at the Kabardin Public Hospital in Nalchik, in which, from 1914, a military hospital was opened for wounded and sick soldiers and officers who participated in World War I. She was the head of the women’s department of the district (regional) hospital in 1920–1923. Later she lived in Baku, and as the wife of an “enemy of the people”, she did not have a permanent job for a long time. She became a gynecologist in a city clinic in 1936.


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How to Cite

Z. Akhmadov, T., & MAKHMUDOV, M. (2018). On the history of health care in Turkestan and the Caucasus: episodes from Doctor Zeynab Tambiyeva’s biography. History of Medicine, 5(4).