Sanitary-microbiological research at the Hygiene department of the Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University: he history and the present


  • Natalia I. Sheina Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University 1, Ostrovitianov St., Moscow 117997, Russia Author
  • Victor V. Korolik Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University 1, Ostrovitianov St., Moscow 117997, Russia Author
  • Juriy P. Pivovarov Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University 1, Ostrovitianov St., Moscow 117997, Russia Author
  • Ljubov I. Mjalina Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University 1, Ostrovitianov St., Moscow 117997, Russia Author
  • Ljubov P. Sazonova Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University 1, Ostrovitianov St., Moscow 117997, Russia Author
  • Valentina V. Kolesnikova Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University 1, Ostrovitianov St., Moscow 117997, Russia Author
  • Ljudmila S. Zinevich Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University 1, Ostrovitianov St., Moscow 117997, Russia Author
  • Raisa S. Volkova Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University 1, Ostrovitianov St., Moscow 117997, Russia Author


hygiene, sanitation, toxic infections , producing strains of microorganisms, regulation


The Department of Hygiene at the Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University is one of the leading schools in the field of sanitary microbiology – its staff have achieved significant scientific results. The bacteriological characteristics,environmental  distribution,  epidemiology  and  diagnostics  of C.  perfringens,  B.  cereus,  V.  parahaemolyticus have  been studied, and preventive measures for the foodborne diseases caused by them have been developed. The methods for using biotechnological strains of genera Bacillus, Pseudomonas, Candida have been studied in agriculture and forestry. In connection with the intensive development of biotechnologies, a comprehensive hygienic assessment of biotechnological strains in soil,water  in  reservoirs,  air  in  workplace  areas  and  atmospheric  air  has  been  developed.  A  set  of  indices  for  the  evaluation  of sensitizing and immunotropic action is proposed, a scheme for toxicological and hygienic studies of biotechnological strains has been optimized, a list of priority microorganisms has been compiled and a classification of microorganisms according to their degree of danger is proposed.


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How to Cite

I. Sheina, N., V. Korolik, V., P. Pivovarov, J., I. Mjalina, L., P. Sazonova, L., V. Kolesnikova, V., S. Zinevich, L., & S. Volkova, R. (2018). Sanitary-microbiological research at the Hygiene department of the Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University: he history and the present. History of Medicine, 5(1).