The first sanitary doctor in Tula, P.P. Belousov: n the history of the field of hygiene in medicine in the late 19th century


  • Olga V. Tereshkina Tula State University, Medical Institute, Tula 128, Boldin St., Tula 300028, Russia Author


history of medicine, Tula, P.P. Belousov, sanitary situation, sewage disposal


Materials are presented on the work of P.P. Belousov – a representative of the sanitary-hygienic medical field  in Russia at the end of the 19th century, the first sanitary doctor of Tula, and a student of F.F. Erisman.
Tula’s unsatisfactory sanitary condition at that time was largely due to the fact that this city was an industrial center and it housed a large number of factories. The author shows how Belousov’s work dealt with various monitoring issues in housing and  communal  services,  food  hygiene,  school  sanitation  and  veterinary  spheres.  The  author  pays  special  attention  to  one of Belousov’s leading areas of practical and research work as a sanitary doctor in Tula – cleaning the city of sewage. This was one of the most pressing issues in sanitation and hygiene for Russian cities of the 19th century. Belousov’s goal was the creation of a city system for the removal and disposal of sewage that met the requirements of modern hygiene science. He sought to organize sewage disposal in Tula in the most expedient, cost-effective way, using local, readily available resources.
o do this, he combined modern approaches and particular features of sanitation in large Russian cities, as well as the results of experimental construction of sewage disposal fields in Tula. The data obtained by Belousov was used in his thesis “On the current situation and the immediate tasks for the sewerage system of Russian cities”, which was written under the guidance of F.F. Erisman. The article contains information characterizing both positive and negative aspects of this experience. The author notes Belousov’s personal and professional qualities, which allowed him in a short period of time to make an invaluable contribution to improving the sanitary situation in Tula.


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How to Cite

V. Tereshkina, O. (2017). The first sanitary doctor in Tula, P.P. Belousov: n the history of the field of hygiene in medicine in the late 19th century. History of Medicine, 4(2).