N.V. Sklifosovsky – creator of the clinical medicine campus in Devichye Pole in Moscow (on the 180th anniversary of his birth)


  • Svetlana A. Kabanova N.V. Sklifosovsky Institute of Emergency Care 3 Bolshaya Sukharevskaya Square, Moscow 129090, Russia Author
  • Pavel M. Bogopolsky B.V. Petrovsky National Research Center of Surgery Abrikosovsky Lane, Moscow 119991, Russia Author


Moscow University, clinical medicine campus, N.V. Sklifosovsky, founder


The  article  briefly  highlights  key  stages  in  the  life  and  activities  of  N.V.  Sklifosovsky  (1836–1904),  his  scientific achievements and priorities. Particular attention has been paid to Sklifosovsky’s contribution to the planning and construction of  the  first  clinical  medicine  campus  in  Russia,  located  at  Devichye  Pole  in  Moscow,  on  the  territory  of  current-day I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University. A consistent supporter of the ideas of the great N.I. Pirogov, Sklifosovsky devoted much of his life to the development of surgery, the organization of scientific research and the improvement of medical education in Russia. He made a significant contribution to military surgery and significantly improved medical care for those wounded on the battlefield.
klifosovsky  began  one  of  his  most  fruitful  periods  of  life  and  work  at  the  medical  faculty  of  Imperial  Moscow  University (1880‒1893).  He  became  the  founder  of  one  of  the  largest  scientific  schools  in  Russia,  whose  representatives  made  a  great contribution to the development of domestic surgery. In 1883, Sklifosovsky headed a special commission that developed and presented  in  the  autumn  of  the  same  year  its  recommendations  to  the  University  Council  for  the  construction  of  a  clinical medicine campus. Using his medical and public authority, Sklifosovsky collected large donations for its design and construction.


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How to Cite

A. Kabanova, S., & M. Bogopolsky, P. (2016). N.V. Sklifosovsky – creator of the clinical medicine campus in Devichye Pole in Moscow (on the 180th anniversary of his birth). History of Medicine, 3(1).