Industry-Based Learning Management in Increasing the Competence of Vocational High School (SMK) Graduates. (Case Study of The Jayakarta Suites Hotel Bandung Collaboration with YPPS Sumedang Vocational School and Putra Gununghalu Vocational School West


  • Oyib Ferdiansyah Nusantara Islamic University, Bandung Author
  • Iim Wasliman Nusantara Islamic University, Bandung Author
  • Waska Warta Nusantara Islamic University, Bandung Author
  • Deti Rostini Nusantara Islamic University, Bandung Author


Management, Learning, Competence


This research is motivated by the lack of competence of vocational high school (SMK) graduates to meet the needs of the industrial world. The emergence of a gap in the number of graduates with employment levels is a negative stigma for SMK graduates as the largest contributor to unemployment. The general objective of the research is to provide an overview and examine industry-based learning management in increasing competency SMK graduates, the specific objectives are to examine: planning, organizing, implementing, supervising, problems and solutions to industry-based learning problems in improving the competency of SMK graduates. This research is based on management theory according to GRTerry which divides management functions into four functions, namely planning , organization , actuating and controlling . To strengthen the theoretical basis of management, other theories and concepts are added, namely theological, philosophy, the six value systems (theological, physical-physiological, ethical, logical, aesthetic, teleological) and learning. The research method uses a qualitative approach with the type of case study research. Data collection techniques use interview techniques, observation and documentation studies. Data validity validation uses source triangulation. The results of industry-based learning management research in improving the competence of SMK graduates show that: 1) planning, preparing the basic agreements contained in the joint agreement (MOU ) between schools and the business/industry world (DUDI), curriculum alignment, programs industrial work practicum, industrial visits, teacher training, guest teachers and competency tests 2) organizing, preparation of the organizational structure including the division of tasks and work steps for each part in the organizational structure 3) implementation concerning the recruitment of students, introduction to the work environment, scheduling, learning theory and practice, work culture and learning evaluation. 4) supervision regarding evaluation instruments, schedules, evaluation implementation, evaluation results and evaluation follow-up 5) problems. problems that arise regarding: facilities and infrastructure, curriculum, schedules, human resources, learning materials, learning media and coordination with industry. 6) solutions to problems that arise can be resolved even though not entirely. In conclusion, industry-based learning management in increasing the competence of SMK graduates has been carried out in accordance with the planning, organization, implementation and supervision based on six value systems.


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How to Cite

Ferdiansyah, O., Wasliman, I., Warta, W., & Rostini, D. (2024). Industry-Based Learning Management in Increasing the Competence of Vocational High School (SMK) Graduates. (Case Study of The Jayakarta Suites Hotel Bandung Collaboration with YPPS Sumedang Vocational School and Putra Gununghalu Vocational School West . History of Medicine, 9(1), 315-322.