The Effectiveness of Legal Protection for Former Terrorist Convicts Associated With the Deradicalization Program


  • Asep Sapsudin Postgraduate School Law Masters Study Program Nusantara Islamic University Bandung Author
  • Riki Baehaki Postgraduate School Law Masters Study Program Nusantara Islamic University Bandung Author


Purpose of writing to find out the effectiveness of legal protection for former terrorist convicts related to the deradicalization program linked to Law Number 5 of 2018 concerning Eradication of Criminal Acts of Terrorism and to find out the dangers of understanding radicalism and acts of terrorism. Therefore the research method includes research specifications, namely analytical descriptive The normative juridical approach method, through the library research stage, namely researching and reviewing secondary data obtained through library study data collection techniques, which then secondary data is analyzed in a juridical -qualitative manner. This research draws conclusions regarding the effectiveness of legal protection for former terrorist convicts related to the de-radicalization program. In connection with Law Number 5 of 2018 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Terrorism, it is felt to be less effective. This is known based on the example of the suicide bombing terror case at the Astana Anyar Police Office. , Bandung West Java. Thus automatically not fulfilling legal protection for ex-convicts of terrorism and the dangers of understanding radicalism and acts of radical terrorism in the sense of understanding Islamic religious teachings in depth down to their roots is a positive thing. However, terrorist radicalism is astreams or views that have the belief to achieve change or refreshment in social and political matters through the use of violence.


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How to Cite

Sapsudin, A., & Baehaki, R. (2024). The Effectiveness of Legal Protection for Former Terrorist Convicts Associated With the Deradicalization Program. History of Medicine, 9(1), 277-287.