A Preliminary Look at the New Kuhp in The Light of Indonesian Criminal Law Pluralism


  • Ahmad Jamaludin Author
  • Dodi Suhendar Author
  • Ading Yahya Author
  • Dani Romadhon Author
  • Mella Maylani Author


Customary Criminal Law, New Criminal Code, Legal Pluralism


The ratification of the New Criminal Code actually has a significant impact, as it emphasizes the strengthening of legal pluralism in the field of criminal law. This can be seen from the recognition of customary criminal law as a valid law in addition to the national criminal law. The purpose of this study is to analyze the consequences of the formulation of Article 2 of the New Criminal Code related to the practice of criminal law pluralism in Indonesia, as well as the future orientation of Article 2 of the New Criminal Code in strengthening the diversity of Indonesian society in the context of criminal law. The research method used is normative legal research using legal concepts and approaches.


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How to Cite

Jamaludin, A., Suhendar, D., Yahya, A., Romadhon, D., & Maylani, M. (2024). A Preliminary Look at the New Kuhp in The Light of Indonesian Criminal Law Pluralism. History of Medicine, 9(1), 174-181.